AquaSnap Configuration > Mouse

Most of the functions of AquaSnap can be assigned to a mouse shortcut. To configure the mouse shortcuts, double-click on the TidyTabs tray icon, at the bottom-right corner of the screen, and click on Mouse. (only available in the Professional Edition)

In this article

What is a mouse shortcut

AquaSnap allows you to assign a new function to every clickable element of the window frames. We call this a mouse shortcut. A mouse shortcut permits you to trigger a specific action by clicking with a given mouse button (up to 5 mouse buttons are supported) on a specific area of the window frame ( minimize, maximize and close buttons, borders and corners of the window, etc.). Modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) can also be used.

AquaSnap - Hotclicks

The Mouse tab

AquaSnap - Settings - Mouse

  • Enable mouse shortcuts: if enabled, user defined actions can be triggered by clicking on specific areas of the window borders. The default value is enabled.
  • Mouse shortcuts: this is the list of the available mouse shortcuts.

How to modify a mouse shortcut

Double-click on the mouse shortcut that you want to change.
Use the small popup window to configure the mouse shortcut.
Press Return.

The default mouse shortcuts

Window management

Action Mouse shortcut
Maximize LeftButton @Maximize
Maximize across all monitors RightButton @Maximize
Minimize LeftButton @Minimize
Minimize all Ctrl+LeftButton @Minimize
Minimize all (all monitors) Shift+Ctrl+LeftButtom @Minimize
Minimize others Alt+LeftButton @Minimize
Minimize others (all monitors) Shift+Alt+LeftButton @Minimize
Minimize to tray RightButton @Minimize
Close LeftButton @Close
Kill process RightButton @Close
Send to background MiddleButton @TitleBar
Always on top BackButton @TitleBar
Center window unassigned

Window docking

Action Mouse shortcut
Dock top left RightButton @TopLeftCorner
Dock top RightButton @TopBorder
Dock top right RightButton @TopRightCorner
Dock left RightButton @LeftBorder
Dock right RightButton @RightBorder
Dock bottom left RightButton @BottomLeftCorner
Dock bottom RightButton @BottomBorder
Dock bottom right RightButton @BottomRightBorder

Window stretching

Action Mouse shortcut
Stretch up left unassigned
Stretch up unassigned
Stretch up right unassigned
Stretch left unassigned
Stretch right unassigned
Stretch down left unassigned
Stretch down unassigned
Stretch down right unassigned
Stretch all directions unassigned

Moving a window to another monitor

Action Mouse shortcut
Top left monitor unassigned
Top monitor
Top right monitor unassigned
Left monitor unassigned
Right monitor unassigned
Bottom left monitor unassigned
Bottom monitor unassigned
Bottom right monitor unassigned