The User Interface

Welcome to BrainSoup, your personal AI playground where collaboration with AI agents transforms how you work, learn, and create. At the heart of this innovative platform is its main window interface – designed with user-friendliness in mind. This guide will walk you through the key components of the main window to help you navigate BrainSoup with ease.

  1. New Chat: Start fresh conversations or tasks by creating a new chat room.
  2. Delete Selected Chat: Remove chat rooms that are no longer needed (supports multiple selections).
  3. Search Chat Rooms: Quickly find past or ongoing chats using space-separated keywords. The search is case-insensitive and negation is supported by prefixing the keyword with a minus sign (-).
  4. Chat Rooms List: View all your chat rooms, each represented with an auto-generated emoji and name for easy identification. Favorite chat rooms are marked with a star and appear at the top of the list.
  5. User Profile: Customize your profile, helping agents understand who you are and how they can assist you better.
  6. Remaining Credits: Keep track of your usage with a visual representation of remaining credits. Credits are consumed when an AI service such as OpenAI or Mistral is used by your agents. Local LLMs do not consume credits.
  7. Manage Subscription: Direct access to your Stripe account for subscription management.
  8. Log Out: Securely exit your current session.
  9. Settings: Customize BrainSoup global settings including themes, app behavior, and more.
  10. Chat Area: Where conversations happen. You can chat with one or more agents, share files, collaborate on tasks, and event let your agents take the lead and work autonomously.
  11. Chat Room Header: Displays the chat room name and icon. Automatically generated after a few messages if not set by the user. This information is visible to all agents in the chat room and helps maintain focus on the chat's topic.
  12. Chat Room Actions: Options to mark the current chat as confidential, keep it active in the background, add it to favorites, copy it to clipboard, ect.
  13. Chat Room Settings: Access chat room settings to customize language preferences, document access permissions, and more.
  14. Pause/Resume Chat: Temporarily halt or resume conversations with agents. Useful for background chat rooms or when handling multiple agents.
  15. Input Message: Type messages to interact with agents. Supports text, emojis, and markdown formatting. You can enter new lines by pressing Shift + Enter .
  16. Send Message: Add your message to the conversation.
  17. Message Actions: Pin important messages, delete unwanted ones, or copy messages to the clipboard.
  18. Show/Hide Left Pane: Toggle the visibility of the left pane to focus on the chat area.
  19. Participants: List all your agents and show who is currently active in the chat room.
  20. Invite Agents: Add agents to the current chat room for collaboration. Multiple agents can be invited to a single chat room.
  21. New Agent: Create or import new agents to expand your AI workforce.
  22. Chat Summary: Auto-updated summaries of ongoing conversations for a quick recap and for keeping your agents on track. A refresh button is available to update the summary manually if needed.
  23. Sandboxed File System: Share files and collaborate with your agents in a secure environment. To be able to use this, your agents must be equipped with the FileSystem context and tools.

Happy exploring!