Locating BrainSoup Folders

BrainSoup organizes its data and extensions across several key folders. Accessing these folders is straightforward through the BrainSoup interface, specifically within the Settings screen under the App Folders section, where you will find quick links to each folder.

Here’s a quick guide on what each folder is used for and how to find them:


This folder is where you can place your user-provided documents such as PDFs, DOCX files, images, and audio files. These documents become part of the agents' knowledge base. You can organize your documents into subfolders to keep them structured and easily choose which documents are accessible to agents.


Small user-defined text or JSON files that serve as context data for agents can be placed here. These files can be generated manually or through external tools. You can update these files at any time, and agents will use the latest context data in their responses.


Here you can drop small JSON files with a specific structure that define custom events. These events can trigger specific reactions or actions from agents in your chat rooms.


This directory is for extending BrainSoup’s capabilities with custom tools or scripts. You can add tools like calculators, automation scripts, data query tools or anything else that aids in accomplishing tasks within BrainSoup.

Built-in App Resources

Access built-in resources provided by BrainSoup. This includes default scripts, tools, and configuration files that come with the software. You can explore these resources for reference, to understand how BrainSoup operates, but you must not modify them.


BrainSoup logs its operations and any issues encountered in this folder. It's essential for troubleshooting and understanding the behavior of your setup.

Sandboxed File Systems

In addition to the above folders, BrainSoup provides sandboxed file systems for each chat room. These are accessible via the Open directory button in the file explorer integrated into the chat room interface. This secure environment allows users and agents to safely work with files related to their conversations.

By navigating to these locations within BrainSoup, users can customize their experience, troubleshoot issues, and enhance the capabilities of their agents through additional data and tools.