Creating a Custom Agent


In this guide, we'll walk you through creating and configuring your custom agent. Whether you're aiming for a personal assistant, a technical writer, a customer service representative, or any other role, BrainSoup allows you to tailor your agent to your specific needs. By customizing various settings, you can optimize your agent's abilities and interaction style, ensuring it aligns with your preferences and requirements.

Step 1: Create a New Agent

  • Navigate to the main window of BrainSoup.
  • Click on the + button (New agent) found in the right pane, above the list of agents, and choose Create new.
  • This will lead you to the agent editor where you can configure your agent's settings.

Step 2: Define Your Agent's Identity ad Role

  • Avatar: Select an avatar from the dropdown list, or import a custom image to visually represent your agent.
  • Name: Assign a unique name to your agent. A short, one-word name is recommended.
  • Role: Specify the role of your agent (e.g., Personal Assistant, Technical Writer). This information is crucial for optimizing inter-agent cooperation.
  • Persona: Craft a persona for your agent. This includes its character, behavior, methodological approach, and tone of communication. This step is essential for tailoring your agent's responses to your preferences, it will be used by the underlying LLM to generate responses that match the persona.

Step 3: Set Up AI Settings

  • Choose the appropriate Large Language Model (LLM) for your agent based on the tasks it will perform.
  • Adjust the Working memory to control how much past interaction context your agent retains.
  • Determine the Maximum response size as a portion of the working memory reserved for the agent's response. Don't set it too high, as it will lower the memory available for the input context.
  • Use the Creativity slider to influence how innovative or direct the responses should be. A higher creativity level may lead to more imaginative responses, while a lower level will result in more factual and deterministic answers.

Step 4: Abilities and Knowledge

  • Enable specific abilities like having a sense of time, self-awareness, understanding multimedia (audio and images), and remembering past conversations as needed. Only enable the abilities that are relevant to your agent's role, as each ability consumes resources and may affect usage costs.
  • By enabling Knows you, your agent will have access to the information you provide about yourself in yout BrainSoup profile. This can help personalize responses and make collaboration more efficient.
  • Define which documents are accessible to your agent by setting up Allowed documents. Here you can specify, among the documents you have placed in the BrainSoup Documents folder, which ones your agent can access. You can add individual documents or entire folders to this list. These documents will enrich your agent's knowledge base.
  • Include Allowed tools that your agent can utilize for performing tasks or processing information. These tools can be built-in tools or Custom Tools that you have created and placed in the BrainSoup Tools folder.

Step 5: Finalize and Create

  • After configuring all settings, review them carefully. The Cost estimation field provides an overview of potential costs associated with running your agent.
  • Click OK to create your custom agent.

Step 6: Invite into Chat Rooms

  • To integrate your new agent into a chat room, either create a new chat room or select an existing one.
  • Within the chat room's right pane, invite your custom agent by toggling its participation.
  • An agent can be invited to multiple chat rooms.


Congratulations on creating and configuring your custom BrainSoup agent! By tailoring each setting to fit specific needs and roles, you unlock the full potential of what BrainSoup can offer. Don't hesitate to experiment with different configurations to discover what works best for you.